Where people come to confess.

This blog is for those who need to confess and to get advice. It is all anonymus .

This is a safe place to land. To be yourself.

Dare to be unique. Fight the right to be yourself. Never shy away from a challenge. More importantly take the risk. Tell your story, you'd be surprised on who it might help.

Speak your mind.

Speak your mind.

This is a place, of relaxation. Of being completely honest with not only people but yourself. Don't be afraid to say what you want. No one will criticize this is a safe place, to be yourself.

About image
 This is to help those who have so much going on in their lives that they can't say out loud. This is to those who no longer have a voice. This is for people to talk and to help people. We all need a person to talk to even if they are through a screen.  This is for people who never had the courage to speak up, or to speak out. I hope that keeping this anonymous people will feel more comfortable speaking. I hope this helps at least one person. 

I hope this helps someone in need!

Feel free to email me anything!

This is for those who find it hard to talk about their lives, their experiences. This is for you all.

  • Miami, Florida, United States

Confession 1 image
To the man who took my innocence this is a letter that should've been constructed a long time ago.  But I was scared and I still am, but I know deep down that this needs to be done. You broke me in ways that I should never be broken, you took something from me and I need closure. I need to figure out the right words to say this but here goes. I forgive you, I forgive the fact that you took advantage of me at a young age. I forgive the fact that you murdered my little sister, I forgive the fact that you are the reason that I am afraid to be alone with men. I forgive you for being the reason that I sometimes wish for death to take hold on me. And I forgive you for taking my innocence. You destroyed me, you held me down knowing I couldn't fight what you were doing to me and yet you did it, and I forgive you for it. Not because I think you deserve my forgiveness because you don't. You deserve to rot in the deepest parts of hell for what you did to me and my family but I need to forgive you so that I can move on with my life. So that I can become the woman I was always meant to be. You already took all of my childhood and I'll be damned if I allow you to control my adult hood. I sit here willing my fingers to continue to type because the very thought of you makes me sick to my stomach, but I've come to terms with what you did. You molested me for years, holding me against my will to use as a toy and I will no longer allow you to use me. You may be gone but I know that wherever you are it is nowhere as horrible as to what you did to me and my family. But that is the past and my future is brighter because of it, I have high expectations in men because of you and I will not let what you did control my life. I hope that one day you get what you deserve. But until then I forgive you.

                                                                                                   Shattered Innocence  

I once took an entire bottle of sleeping pills in hopes that I would die and that I would finally have peace. That my mom would find me and see she didn't do a good job of protecting me. I've felt guilty ever since.

Anonymous Soul 
Confession 2 image
Confession 3 image
When I was 9 my dad told me to touch him inopropriotly because he was messed up on drugs, I went home and told my mom and she did nothing about it, she was also messed up. Shows how drugs can really mess a person up...

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